Wednesday, September 2, 2015

One Hundred Days Art Project- Days 56-60

For the #roundrock100 art project, I'm creating fractal art every day for 100 days using a program called JWildfire. Here are days 56-60 from my journal.

Day 56- July 27th- Calm and Storm. I made another black and white line drawing, and then filled it in with Paint. This design had quite a few uncolorable areas. After I colored it, I tried using it as a background and as a colormap. Post_colormap projects a saved picture onto a fractal. I've tried using it before to add a person's face to a fractal, but the colors turned out weird.

 Day 57- July 28th- Coloring Grid and simplified Coloring Grid. I discovered that squarize works well to transform the black and white line drawings without creating more grey areas. My son helped me figure out how to deal with the white areas that are too small to color. He told me to color the lines white, then color the combined white lines and white spaces black. This method doesn't leave any white spots. I wish I had know about this sooner.

Day 58- July 29th- Sunflower and simplified Sunflower- I'm still working on last minute tweaks to my coloring pages. I liked the first sunflower design, but it seemed too complex. It had too many uncolorable areas, and it is hard to tell what color to make the edges. I changed the perspective and tried simplifying the pattern, and the result is much easier to color. I emailed some of the coloring pages to my mom to see what she thinks.
Day 59- July 30th- I'm still tweaking coloring book pages. Some have ten or fifteen versions. The only new thing I did today was this swirly stripey golden picture. It uses ovoid and oscilloscope. Now if I can just remember how I made it when the alphabet challenge gets all the way to the letter O.....

Day 60- July 31st- I finished my entries for the coloring book art contest and submitted them. I'm too tired to make very many fractals today, but I did come up with this one that just uses linear and waves. It reminds me of scales.

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