Monday, July 20, 2015

One Hundred Days Art Project, Day 26-30

As part of the #roundrock100 Art Project, I am creating fractal art each day for one hundred days. This is my journal for day 26 through day 30.

Day 26- June 27-  Glynn Star Party- I made several patterns combining starblur with glynnSim3.

Day 27- June 28- Subflame Celebration. Starting with the same subflame, I created several designs. The shapes remind me of people lifting their arms in celebration.

Day 28- June 29- Heart Bloom- I started with a random flower and moved the sphere shapes around. I was surprised when the sphere shapes combined to form hearts. Another pattern showed up unexpectedly when I combined log, ejulia, glynnsim, and diamond in "Shell Sphere".
Day 29- June 30- Bicorn and Comfort Zone- For bicorn, I experimented with variations of a 3D cone shape. The shape and symmetry reminded me of animal horns. I added other shapes for background layers. For Comfort Zone, I used the previous design I made, "Comfort" as the background and as the subflame. Now it is curled up like a cozy cocoon instead of a hammock.

Day 30- July 1- Anemone Garden is another design with subflames and layers. I started with rays, which make an x-shaped glow, and then manipulated it to make an arrangement of flowers with interesting shading.

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