Monday, August 10, 2015

One Hundred Days Art Project- Days 41-45

As part of the #roundrock100 art project, I'm creating fractal art every day for 100 days, using JWildfire software. This is my journal for days 41-45.

Day 41– July 12- The JWF facebook group has another challenge. This time the challenge is to use lots of variations that start with the letter B. "Bubble Sparkle" uses a variation called bubble3D. The second one uses even more B variations. "Brushstrokes" was started from Mash Mash's design called "Tentacles".

Day 42– July 13- More work with letter B variations. First I tried bwrands, which seems to add small random patterns. Then I started over again with blur_circle and added bsplit and bipolar which made a soft folded pattern.

Day 43– July 14- "Flaming Star" is a complex pattern that looks like flames. It has a little bit of everything thrown in, but the color gradient is the star. "Mandelbrot Eggs" started with a random 3D tile ball pattern, and then I wrapped the classic Mandelbrot fractal shape over it.

Day 44– July 15- I tried a blur variation that I've never used before- blur pixelize. It made a nice starter grid of squares, which shows how the later transforms fold everything into different shapes.

Day 45– July 16- "Flying Eagles"- I was inspired by my friend Carmen who creates digital art, based on Native American designs. Many of her pictures have birds in them, especially crows.

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